Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Going to Japan!

Just got word today from my Study Abroad advisor that I am good to go! Now...gotta pack up my house and continue to brush up on my questionable Japanese language skills...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

In Limbo

Due to the catastrophic and tragic events that have been occuring ever since the 9.0 quake and tsunami hit in Japan, my trip may be over before it even begins.  As of now, it looks like I will be able to go.  (I really hope I don't have to eat my words).While my problems are dwarfed by the tragedies occurring in Japan, my situation merely serves as an example of how far reaching this disaster is.

One of my best friends, Sean, was set to go to APU in southern Japan through the California State University program, however the UC/CSU system cancelled their program in wake of the Japanese situation.  Sean, myself, and the hundreds of other students set to go to Japan this  semester have not taken any classes here in the US this Spring semester because the Japanese semester starts in April. Therefore, if we do not go, we will all have missed an entire semester of classes putting our graduation date back even further. Hopefully the situation in Japan will continue to improve for everyone's sake and things will carry forward as planned.

I will keep you posted!