Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The First Post for my blog "Lost in a Gaijin's Translation"

Hello and welcome to my blog entitled...well you already know what the title is.  Anyways, for those unfamiliar with the Japanese word,"Gaijin," it is defined as "foreigner." Lo and behold, that is exactly what I will be upon my arrival to the bright lights of Tokyo in March!

This blog will document my experiences in Japan as I spend a semester abroad at Sophia University via University of Hawaii at Manoa.  I'll share occurrences of my various cultural interactions and run-ins with the infamous "culture shock."  There are sure to be moments of excitement, revelation, loneliness and embarrassment.  And yes, there will be a lot of hot and steamy...Japanese cuisine.

Words cannot express how thrilled I am to be able to continue my collegiate studies in Japan, the home of my ancestors (well half of them at least. Perhaps I'll go to China next year?). I welcome you to join me on this journey, just don't get "Lost in a Gaijin's Translation!" ba dum tss!

Til next time, jaa mata!